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Meat, Pescatarian & Vegan/Vegetarian meal plan options.
The biggest changes come from within, so it’s only right you feed your body with good food if you want good results. My meal plans provide a variety of foods that are enjoyable as well as healthy. Eating good can sometimes feel like a chore but when you’ve got the right guidance and instructions, it can be made enjoyable. The meals within the plans are ones that I, myself have found and enjoy and some are also concoctions that I make for myself, all of which are healthy and easy to make. Your body is your home, you have to invest into its maintenance of good health if you want to sustain /encourage positive change.
Within this plan:
- 4 weeks’ worth of recipes
- A variety of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks & smoothies
- Gives you the ability to pick a recipe at random from the wide selection of choices
- Recipe cooking methods/instructions
- Better understanding of how to plan your meals to ensure you are getting the right vitamins, carbs, proteins and fats into your diets
- Information on where to get protein, carbohydrates and fats from
I would advise, for the best outcome, that exercise stays consistent